Tuesday, April 10, 2007

HowTo: Application Block Software Factory (ABSF) Part III: An example

After an introduction to ABSF and a explanation about providers, here you have an example of how an application block and a provider library can be created. What I did was to take snapshots of the solution after executing each recipe:

1. New Animal Application Block
2. New Provider Factory and Base 'Animal'
3. New Provider (Typed) 'Dog'
4. New Provider (Untyped) 'Monkey'
5. New Design-Time Base Provider Node 'AnimalNode'
6. New Design-Time Provider Node 'DogNode'
7. New Provider Library
8. New Provider (Typed) 'Cat'
9. New Design-Time Provider Node 'CatNode'

The example is based on the Animal Application Block of Brian Button. Brian and Tom did a series of webcasts explaining the Entlib Core and Design-Time creating an Animal Application Block. You can download the webcasts from here and here.

The idea is that you can open each snapshot and take a look at what stuff is created after executing each recipe. In order to build the snapshots, you will have to copy the Common.dll, Configuration.Design.dll and ObjectBuilder.dll to the lib folder of each snapshot. I recommend you to unzip the snapshots in a directory near the root (c:\) because of the path length restriction (you won't be able to build the snapshots if the path is longer than 248 characters)  

Finally here you have the link to the snapshots!


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