Thursday, August 03, 2006

Injecting Spring.Net Objects in NUnit Tests

If you are using Spring.Net and NUnit, you probably have noticed that does not exist a declarative way to inject Objects (or Services). So it seems easy I search a little in google and how I did not found results in a nutshell I decided to develop a first little version of the solution I need.

First of all, I thought in an Attribute to define which Spring’s Object should be injected in a property or field… so:


/// The Attribute lets inject a Spring Object in properties or fields
[Serializable, AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
Inherited = true)]
public sealed class InjectSpringAttribute : Attribute
   private string objectName;
   public InjectSpringAttribute(string objectName)
      this.objectName = objectName;
   /// Returns the Object name that must be injected in the property or field
   public string ObjectName{get{   return this.objectName;}}

Now, you could use the attribute as follows:

private FirstService service;
public FirstService Service
   get { return service; }
   set { service = value; }
private FirstService serviceField;

And you are not suppose to obtain IApplicationContext, getObject(…), bla bla.. anymore. The only issue remains is to define the way the attribute will be processed. For now, I have not a really elegant way to do this (in java I had been used AspectJ but with .Net???)… so I have a base TestCase from which all others Testcases extend and in the SetUp method I execute the following util static method: InjectObjects(instance) whose responsibility is to find all properties and fields decorated with the InjectSpringAttribute and set them the requested object.

I left you the code of the util method…

public static void InjectObjects(Object instance)
   Object springObject;
   BindingFlags binding = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
   foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in instance.GetType().GetProperties( binding ) )
(InjectSpringAttribute), true),out springObject))
         propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, springObject, null);
   foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in instance.GetType().GetFields(binding))
            typeof(InjectSpringAttribute), true),out springObject))
         fieldInfo.SetValue(instance, springObject);
private static bool TryGetSpringObject(Object[] customAttrs,out Object springObject )
   if (customAttrs != null && customAttrs.Length > 0)
      foreach( object customAttr in customAttrs)
         InjectSpringAttribute attr = customAttr as InjectSpringAttribute;
         if (attr != null)
            springObject = ContextRegistry.GetContext().GetObject(attr.ObjectName);
            return true;
   springObject = null;
   return false;


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